8 Innovative Buildings in Naples

Walter Keller buildings-   Walter Keller was a one of the first and most influential architects of the early expansion years of Naples. From his offices on Third Street he designed many of the Third Street buildings and downtown Naples for Neapolitan Enterprises and other developers.  Mr. Keller brought to fashion many elements of Bermudan and…

Unique Commercial: Rooftops

Roofs are often overlooked but in fact are important and valuable real estate. They can do so much more than just hold the HVAC systems; they can provide relaxing environments (parks), entertainment (bars and restaurants), tourist attractions (viewpoints), help save the planet (harnessing solar power and produce fresh organic fruits and veggies), and of course…

Unique Commercial: Antoni Gaudi

Ok — it might be a stretch to consider UNESCO World Heritage Sites “commercial real estate”, but it’s really interesting and we feel it’s worth knowing about!   Antoni Gaudi was one of the 19-20th centuries most skilled artisians and created some of the most recognizable and unique buildings on earth. He was influenced by nature…

The Changing Landscape: Workspace

We all are familiar with how technology has changed how we all conduct business, but did you know that the design tastes of office users have also change dramatically over the past few years?  A trained eye can usually pick out the decade which a modern building was erected. The all glass look of the…

Unique Commercial: Elevators

Thank goodness for elevators, if we didn’t have them it would be a lot harder to lease the top floor of an office building. And forget about the hotel Penthouse Suites… they would be rented out at a discount instead of a premium. Here is an ode to some really unique elevators:   AquaDom Berlin, Germany The…

Unique Commercial: Libraries

  Intelligence, human knowledge, it’s what has propelled the human race from grunts and growls to the sophisticated species we are today. And it’s largely thanks to the spread of human knowledge by way of reading and the exchange of books: libraries! Check out these unique libraries from all over the world. Check out these…

Unique Commercial: Soccer Stadiums

Soccer, Football, Futbol… call it what you want, it is lighting the world on fire right now. Everywhere you turn the world is obsessing with the sport. TV station airtimes are being dominated with broadcasted games, newscasters are discussing at great lengths, and advertisers are all taking advantage of this unifying international phenomenon.   Soccer itself is…

LEED Certified Explained. Part 1

In the age of hybrid cars, organic food, and eco-everything reducing your carbon footprint seems to be the best way to show appreciation for planet Earth. Not only are individuals adapting to this cultural shift, but so are construction trends in the form of Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design… better recognized as LEED.   LEED was unveiled…